Thursday, September 3, 2015


As many of you know, currently I am taking an Advanced Media Marketing for Authors class offered through Tom Bird and his Publish Now Program. One of my many "homework" assignments is to blog, which of course I LOVE!

However, sometimes things come across my path I feel I need to share with everyone, whether they are author or not. Below is one such example. I hope you enjoy it and get some important tips! 

By Mary de la Peña, attorney and author of
A Layman’s Guide to Criminal Defense; An Immigrant American Hero
Visit her website at

A great lady I know, Jan Fowler, author and radio host, shared with me three simple tips to turn everyday communications into book sales. These tips came from a guest she had on her show, John Eggen, who is a best-selling author in his own right.
Here are these great simple tips:

·         Turn Every E-mail into a Client Magnet: Create an e-mail signature line that announces you are authoring a book. Then place the title in the signature line for all your e-mails using these exact words: “Author of the forthcoming book, (insert title and subtitle here)”. It’s that simple. [as a side-note from me, I’d add a link to either the buy page at Amazon, or to your own website’s buy page]

·         Turn All Your Introductions into Business Magnets: In all of your prepared introductions add the title of your book and sub-title. This would include introductions made by others, or by you, in all of your public presentations, marketing materials, Website, bio and media kit. (This is a proven method as tested by Kathleen Holland who used it and booked an additional $48,000 in fees in just the first four months)

·         Put Your Elevator Speech or Audio Logo on Steroids: Add news about your forthcoming book into your elevator speech or audio log and automatically attract more business. An example of this is to do an audio intro on your website, make sure to highlight your book! Again, this is a proven method of attracting business and insuring your credibility. John Cannon started using this method when writing his first book, and he increased his “first meetings” with intended markets by 30-40%!.

These are all easy tips, and available to you at no cost! No go forth and increase your book sales!